Friday, November 28, 2008

I had the good fortune of going to a book store to browse and learn. Frankly, every literate person needs to browse a bookstore a few times per month.

Last week, my wife and I were there. I picked up a book named "The Age Curve: How to Profit From The Coming Demographic Storm" by Kenneth W. Grobach. He is a marketing professional and demographer. He places strong emphasis on generations and generational differences (Baby Boomers, Gen X-ers, etc.)

As it turns out, I learned that he and I both graduated from the same high school. He is six years younger than I am.

His book is excellent. I recommend it for any business executive or business owner.
If a business doesn't understand generational trends, it surely will make costly mistakes. The Big 3 auto companies are an example--continuing to make cars that baby boomers like but gen-exers, the real market dislike these cars.

John J. Alquist

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