Friday, November 28, 2008

I had the good fortune of going to a book store to browse and learn. Frankly, every literate person needs to browse a bookstore a few times per month.

Last week, my wife and I were there. I picked up a book named "The Age Curve: How to Profit From The Coming Demographic Storm" by Kenneth W. Grobach. He is a marketing professional and demographer. He places strong emphasis on generations and generational differences (Baby Boomers, Gen X-ers, etc.)

As it turns out, I learned that he and I both graduated from the same high school. He is six years younger than I am.

His book is excellent. I recommend it for any business executive or business owner.
If a business doesn't understand generational trends, it surely will make costly mistakes. The Big 3 auto companies are an example--continuing to make cars that baby boomers like but gen-exers, the real market dislike these cars.

John J. Alquist

Monday, November 3, 2008

Every business needs the help of a good business writer--unless the owners and senior managers happen to have those skills.

These skills include promotional writing and news writing.

As a Professional Speaker, Author and Business Consultant, I can help you in many ways.

Please contact me to discuss your requirements in business writing. Visit my business website at and/or call me at 727-545-8547 during business hours.

John J. Alquist

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

John J. Alquist Speaker, Author, Business Consultant

We are expanding our communications effort. Currently, we produce one Speaker, Author, Conusultant ezine per month. That's released on the third Tuesday of each month.

Effective immediately, we are adding the following:

1. Author mini ezine--first Tuesday of each month

2. Speaking min-ezine--second Tuesday of each month

3. Full Speaker, Author and Consultant ezine

4. Business Consultant mini-ezine

We have just send out the first Author mini-ezine. If you are not
on our email list and would like a free copy of this, please let
me know. Email me at

Or if you would like to receive all four of these each month,
please let me know via email at

If you have any ideas for content for these publications, please
let me know by publishing your post.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Emporer Norton The Father Of Internt Marketing Hustlers?

Sick and tired of brazen Internet huslters with low or no skils claiming to be marketing copywriters, search engine optimization specialists, coaches, mentors, and other outlandish, self-proclaimed titles?

These people rob Internet newbies with their fragrant lies. Don't sit there and simply laugh them off. Instead, let's defend Internt newbies by exposing these jerks.

Click Here To Read My Story On This.

Let us know what you think about this.

John J. Alquist

Friday, February 1, 2008

I have just finished updating and expanding my Speaker, Author and Consultant web pages for 2008. During the year, of course, I will make additions and minor adjustments.

2007 was a great year for my writing. I now have 58 published articles on ezinearticles covering numerous subjects. My articles were viewed 19,700 times in the last few years and almost 900 readers have republished these articles online, attributing them to me.

In 2008, I am continuing with my passion--contrasting the exciting 21st Century business world to that of the previous century. The 21st Century increasingly will be based upon almost total self-employment, Internet business proficiency, globalism. It's necessary to take advantage of these changes rather than be harmed by them.

That's how I can help you.

Since most people are unaware of the radically new requirements for success in 21st Century business, I must do all I can to reach people and help them transistion into the 21st Century world of business.My website is .

I have added an "Expert" page, since business leaders in the 21st Century are more inclined to seek Experts. That page is at .

Good news: I have not increased my professional fees for 2008.We've added two new pages to our website showing where I am on the Internet as well as a page for journalists and reporters at (Where is John Online) and well as (Alquist News Center).

I am accepting a number of new clients this year, and I encourage you to contact me to discuss the possibilities.

I am also planning to write a book this year. You can help me by suggesting ideas which need to be covered in a book but have been overlooked. What do people need to know that they are not getting?