Monday, September 17, 2007

Celebrating 52 Articles On Ezine Articles

During the past two years, I've written 52 articles which have been posted on

These have been viewed by more than 14,000 people.

My topic categories are: alternative medicine, home based business, entrepreneurial, e-commerce,
movies, news and society, book reviews, branding, business, health and fitness, supplements, change
management, future concepts, attraction, marketing, ant-aging, success, careers and employment,
politics, economics, holidays and management.

Ezine articles has more than 64,000 authors. Of these, 7%--including me-- are "Platinum" Authors.
That means that we have had more than 10 articles approved for publication and that we can
submit a an unlimited number of additional articles for approval.

EzineArticles provides a RSS feed to my website. Therefore, you can look up and read some
or all of my articles with ease.

As an author/business writer, I can write for your business, too.

Kindest Regards,

John J. Alquist